Ozark is a portfolio theme designed for all types of creative websites. It was built based in the latest trends in design style and typography choices.


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Eden’s Garden

This was a massive global campaign with several release dates spanning across the holidays in the winter of 2021. I worked closely with an in house photographer to create imagery that seamlessly paired with the design concept using the new product being released. This project required translating into 8 markets with the help of overseas translators. The goal was to create a clean, exclusive look that highlighted the elegance of the new product. The creative process included mood boarding, several iterations of concept sketches, critique meetings, creative review, marketing review, and final presentation to the project owners. When the campaign went live, it generated well over its projected revenue and continues to be one the company’s best selling suite of products.

  • Designer

    Cameron Renkly

  • Photographer

    Raquel Acevedo

  • Writer

    Paige Bradshaw