Ozark is a portfolio theme designed for all types of creative websites. It was built based in the latest trends in design style and typography choices.


63739 Street B:9 City, Country












Brand Development

Logo Design

Brand Style Guides

Print + Digital Advertising

Conceptual Advertising

Drawing + Illustration

Social Media Content

Package Design

Web Design

Apparel Design

Photo Manipulation

Motion Graphics



User Journey Mapping

Experience Surveys

Marketing Strategy



Adobe Creative Suite


Microsoft Office

Facebook Advertising

Google Advertising


  • Created, wrote copy, and took pictures for marketing campaigns, advertising, client educational material, and in-house collateral.
  • Designed a social media strategy that included a custom photo filter, post templates, and rules of engagement.
  • Created playful and dynamic illustrations, advertising, and social media content to set the tone of the brand and give it a distinctive voice in the youth smartphone industry.
  • Developed motion graphic informational videos for Tiktok and Instagram.
  • Worked in a start-up environment with fast turn around times.
  • Developed advertising and directed photography for major company campaigns such as free shipping, Black Friday, monthly subscription box releases, and more.
  • Researched and overhauled company social media strategy to create a more unified appearance. Designed templates for content creation to ensure future brand consistency.
  • Worked with overseas translators to adapt campaign design for foreign markets including French, German, Dutch, and Japanese.
  • Continuously created imagery for campaigns that often brought in double their projected revenue, one peaking at $8.6 M.
  • Assisted with in-house needs such as the holiday letter, company email banners, HR forms, and research projects. 
  • Managed and organized hundreds of deliverables per global campaign.
  • Created print and digital advertising materials, package design, social media content, banners, trade show graphics and signage, email blasts, infographics, and other sales media.
  • Designed, wrote copy for, and implemented the style guide for the Grace Company brand.
  • Designed and wrote copy for the 2019 Grace Company catalog.
  • Developed logos and branding for several secondary brands.
  • Managed magazine advertising contracts and deadlines while greatly improving company relations with publishing contacts. 
  • Created branding, apparel, and package design that aligned with brand standards and helped promote company events.
